4 CPAP Accessories That Must Be Replaced Regularly

Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, machines allow people with sleep apnea to sleep through the night safely and restfully. Patients can buy their CPAP machines outright or rent them from a medical equipment supplier. Both methods of acquisition have their pros and cons, and both may be covered by a patient's insurance plan. Sleep apnea patients will also need to purchase replacement accessories for their CPAP machine. Here are four CPAP accessories that patients will need to replace periodically: [Read More]

Buying Lab Equipment? Ask These Questions

If you work in a lab, you already know how vital it is to have high-quality lab equipment. The integrity of your work is supported by the quality of the equipment you work with every day; shoddy equipment can affect experiments and lead to faulty results if you're not careful. For that reason, if you've now become the person in charge of ordering beakers, you need to be careful. Ask these questions before dipping into your budget to buy lab equipment. [Read More]

A Chair Lift For Your Stairs Could Make Life After An Injury Easier To Manage

If you've been in an accident or had another injury, and you can't walk up the stairs in your home safely, consider having a chair lift installed. A chair lift allows you to have access to the upper level of your home without having to risk your safety by walking up the stairs when you have mobility issues or pain from your injury. Here are some things you might want to know about chair lifts for stairs. [Read More]

3 Helpful Tips When Choosing A Catheter Bag Holder For A Wheelchair

If you require a catheter bag and are confined to a wheelchair, then you'll need a holder so that the catheter bag remains in place while you move around. Choosing one of these bag holders doesn't have to be that complex — even if you don't know much about medical supplies — thanks to the following selection tips.  Look for the Appropriate Size Bag holders for catheters come in all sorts of different sizes today. [Read More]