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3 Considerations When Choosing Electronic Health Record Software

Electronic health record (EHR) software is a vital tool for a well-functioning medical facility. This software helps relay information quickly and reduce errors. When you are choosing a new EHR software for your facility, there are certain factors that can help you decide.

Type Of Platform

Your EHR platform can take many forms, such as software downloaded onto a server or cloud-based systems. Both types have advantages and disadvantages. A traditional EHR system is often installed on a network server or local computers. One problem with this approach is there is more information stored locally on each device. In the event a computer is stolen, there is the potential for sensitive information to be stolen. Although cloud-based platforms are not completely without security risks, you do not have to manage software on each computer. Installing software on a local server or individual computers and periodic updates are time-consuming. It is much faster to access your EHR via the cloud and updates are usually done automatically.


You can choose a generic EHR platform, but it is unlikely to meet the needs of your medical setting. Additionally, since many medical settings are part of the larger network, you likely want the same platform to meet the needs of various medical specialties. Fortunately, there are options allowing you greater specificity for each medical setting. Having access to specific features for each area of medicine means health records, billing, tests, and other functions can be done faster and with fewer chances of mistakes. Some EHR system have unique forms that might be automatically populated with the correct information once tests come back from the lab or radiologist. Ordering tests or blood work might also be easier if the EHR system already knows which tests you should order for a specific diagnosis.

Amount Of Integration

How much your EHR is capable of being integrated with other aspects of your medical setting should also be considered. Some EHR platforms are capable of being used to maintain information on supplies and medication. Medical settings that commonly give patients medication, such as hospitals or outpatient care facilities, can be a benefit from this feature. For both medication and supplies, integrating this features makes it easier to know when to reorder items or keep an eye on where items are going. Even in a clinical setting, you might want better monitoring of sample medications. You should also consider whether you want your EHR system to be integrated with imaging devices or medical testing you already use. This can allow data, video, or images to be sent automatically to a patient's file, even before they receive a final reading by the radiologist.

With such variability in EHR platforms, it can be difficult to choose one. Selecting a platform with the most flexibility will be the best fit for your facility. Contact a company like ChartPerfect for more information and assistance. 
