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What a Beginner Vet Should Know About Anesthesia Machines

Jumping into the field of taking care of dogs as a newly licensed veterinarian is exciting. You get to live out your dream of caring for animals after going through an extensive amount of training. The next step after getting licensed is to figure out the type of services that you want to provide to dogs. If you intend on performing surgical procedures, the most important thing that you will need for your clinic is an anesthesia machine. In this article, learn important information about veterinary anesthesia machines that will help you choose one for your clinic.

1. Low Pressure Systems Are Ideal for Large Dogs

If you intend on performing surgical procedures on large dogs, consider a lower pressure anesthesia machine. The machines are also referred to as rebreathing systems. The reason why a low pressure machine is ideal for large dogs is because they are able to take deep enough breaths for exhaled gases to be recirculated into their bodies. Basically, when the gases are exhaled, carbon dioxide is taken out. Anesthesia and oxygen are then added to the gas before it is recirculated into the animal's body.

2. Use a High Pressure Machine for the Smallest Dogs

Being that small dogs are unable to take breaths as deeply as large dogs, a high pressure anesthesia machine is ideal for them. The purpose of the systems is to properly administer anesthesia without the dog inhaling carbon dioxide. When the anesthesia is administered, it will not be recirculated into the dog. The excess gas will exit through a pop-off valve that is on the machine. The gas is then moved into a scavenger hose that routes it out of the clinic for safety reasons.

3. Know How Each Part of the Machine Should Be Used

As a new vet, ensure that you thoroughly understand how each part of the anesthesia machine should be used. For example, there will be an oxygen flush valve on the machine that isn't designed for administering anesthesia to animals. The valve is actually in place to administer oxygen when you are ready to bring a patient back to a conscious state. You should also use the flow meters with caution to avoid tightening or loosening them up too much while treating animals. Flow meters are the parts that administer things such as air and gas during the process of administering anesthesia to animals and bring them out of it.
